5 Tips for Effective Septic Tank Maintenance

Septic systems are used to safely treat and dispose of waste generated in a household. Located beneath the ground, a septic tank is a valuable utility that helps in reducing or eliminating wastewater pollutants that threaten to impact human health and the environment.

According to the Census of India 2011 report, 38.2% of households in urban areas and 14.7% of households in rural areas depend on septic tank systems. Thus, septic tank maintenance is essential for the long-term and effective treatment of waste.

Poor septic tank maintenance can lead to system failure, and they are very expensive to repair or replace. It is another key reason why you should maintain your septic tank system. 

How Does a Septic Tank System Work?

The more you understand septic tank systems, the better you will be able to maintain them. So, how does a septic tank system work? All the waste from the household travels through a pipe into the septic tank and gets collected. 

Millions of living microorganisms in the septic tank perform the all-important function of breaking down the waste.

Consequently, solids settle to the bottom of the tank and form sludge, whereas fats, oils, and grease form a scum layer on the top.

The middle layer consists of liquid effluent, which is discharged into the drain field to be further treated by the soil.

In an ideal world, septic tank systems should function successfully. However, due to poor septic tank maintenancedifferent components are affected, leading to system failure.

It can cause several problems like bad odour, sludge accumulation, wastewater back issues, etc.

Here are the top 5 tips you can follow for effective septic tank maintenance and keep up its optimal performance.

Septic Tank Maintenance Tips

1. Recognize the signs 

Some of the signs of septic tank system failures are easy to spot. For example, you will notice slow-draining drains and toilets, bad odours, and wastewater backing up in the house. Also, when you see a bit of green grass in the drain field, know that it indicates trouble. 

2. Use water efficiently

It is important to know that all the household waste ends up in the septic tank system.

An excess amount of water can disturb the natural balance and affect the performance of beneficial microorganisms. Moreover, it can stress the system and force it to flood out.

This is the reason why using water efficiently can reduce the water that enters the septic system.

You can take robust measures such as using flush-free toilets, repairing leaking faucets, or using high-efficiency shower heads that reduce water use. 

3. Waste disposal 

What goes down the drain directly affects how your septic tank works. Therefore, do not use toilets as trash cans.

Besides human waste and toilet paper, never flush other items.

Generally, there is a long list of items people flush down the toilet, which includes the following:

  • Cooking Oil
  • Gasoline
  • Pesticides
  • Paint or paint thinners
  • Photographic solutions 
  • Female hygiene products
  • Non-flushable wipes/Baby wipes/Wet wipes
  • Coffee grounds 
  • Paper towels 
  • Medicines 

These materials may kill microorganisms in the septic tank as well as in the soil and may even contaminate the groundwater. 

4. Prevent chemical poisoning 

Various chemical cleaning products like drain cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, and floor cleaners are used often in households, and other materials like polishes, coatings, or strippers can eliminate the beneficial microorganisms in the septic tank.

Additionally, it can significantly impact the system’s ability to treat waste.

Thus, you should avoid poisoning the septic system with chemicals.  

Also Read:
Chemical Cleaning Products Are Destroying The Ecosystem And Your Septic Tank
How Chemical Cleaners Are Damaging Your Septic Tank And What’s The Best Solution

5. Frequent Inspections and Maintenance

Ensure that your septic tank system is functioning properly by conducting frequent inspections. It also helps in finding any problems before it’s too late. 

Septic tank maintenance schedules have to be followed strictly.

Instead of mechanical maintenance, which is expensive, you can easily use biological solutions like septic tank cleaner to maintain the performance of septic systems.

Organica Biotech’s Bioclean Septic is an advanced septic tank cleaner that consists of enzyme-producing bacteria that break down the waste efficiently and aggressively inside the septic tank.

It also has the ability to reduce sludge build-up, eliminate septic tank odours, and prevent overflow problems.

Bioclean Septic is the most effective septic tank maintenance solution available. You can contact us at any time for more information on Bioclean Septic.

Also Read: 
Your Guide To Successful Septic Tank Maintenance
Your Guide to Protecting Your Septic Tank During the Rainy Season
How Can Septic Tank Cleaner Help Sewage Workers In Kenya
How Do Enzymes Work To Maintain and Clean Your Septic Tank
Best Septic Tank Treatments for Homeowners
Septic System Care for Summer Season
What Are The Objectives Of Faecal Sludge And Septage Treatment?

Bioclean Septic

Bioclean Septic is a microbial product that breaks down human waste efficiently. Bioclean Septic keeps your sludge levels in check.

Bioclean Septic Plus

Bioclean Septic Plus is a 10x concentrated microbial formula that breaks down human waste, food residue, fats, oils and grease. A must where toilet and kitchen lines are connected to the septic tank.

Bioclean Septic (Double Pack)

Bioclean Septic is a microbial product that breaks down human waste efficiently. Bioclean Septic keeps your sludge levels in check.

Post by Kiranjyot