June 13, 2017
Innovative Sanitation Checks
The sanitation department in Delhi did something unprecedented- it punished its sanitation chief and six officials for not doing their job properly in containing dengue.
Their salaries have been withheld, and punitive action has been initiated. An online complaint system is being installed, which will have details of each Domestic Breeder Checker.
To address gaps in the domestic breeding system, all heads of departments have been asked to submit selfies of homes visited.
The seven punished officials were pulled up for ignoring their responsibilities regarding monitoring of mosquito-borne infections and anti-mosquito drive.
The online system will now be taking complaints from citizens, who can upload photos of mosquito breeding sites, and the officials will visit and inspect them.
On the other hand, a strike by the ‘job contractual’ category of sanitation workers in Noida reached its eighth day.
While the Noida Authority remained firm on not acceding to their demands for permanent jobs and higher wages, residents from several sectors complained of garbage piling up and no action by the Authority.
There are about 2,600 workers under the ‘job contractual’ category, and they are hired on a temporary basis by e-tendering by the Noida Authority, so they’re not associated with the Authority.
At present, the contractual workers union is sorting out the matter amongst itself.
- Also, read – Improved Sanitation Leads To Healthier Environment!
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